Parkour & all things AV

A blog dedicated to the art of Parkour, and the technical aspects of audio and video.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

TRace Gathering video finally finished

Somewhat later than planned, the video featuring some of the footage I shot at the Trace Gathering 2007 is finally finished. Over new year I had some spare time, so decided to spend it finishing the edit which I actually started before going to Lisses back in August. If you've seen the official Trace video, you might recognise some of the footage seen in my video as Jason used some of it in his edit (which was excellent by the way!). Anyway, here's some of the highlights from my perspective.


Blogger Ben Nuttall said...

Sick video. Well worth the wait. What a reminder of as amazing week. I'd forgotten how much it meant to me at the time, just to be there.

Daniel was amazing. The guy's special, not only in ability but in his person. It's hard to describe the wonder of being in his presence when he's in that outward mindset where he just wants to share everything with anyone who'll listen.

Take care Paul, see you at the end of the month for the third SPK Anniversary Jam. You have to be there.

Happy New Year. All the best for 2008.


2:07 am  

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