This is another one of my extremely rare blog posts which I typically only make when I've released a new video. This is no exception! This time it's Strength Training and Conditioning For Parkour 3. Enjoy!
Parkour & all things AV
A blog dedicated to the art of Parkour, and the technical aspects of audio and video.
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Monday, May 09, 2011
In another one of my highly occasional posts, here's my latest video, "The Path Of Least Resistance"
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Strength training and conditioning for parkour 2
It's one of those rare times when I actually update my blog!
Some of you may remember the strength training video which Dave & I produced almost 4 years ago:
Since we originally uploaded that video, it has had well over 500,000 views and has proved much more popular than we ever expected. It was shot in one night, and thrown together relatively quickly, so we were pleased that it got so many views.
Many people have requested a sequel to this video, and over the last couple of months, we have finally got round to actually shooting it. This time around, we've tried our best to demonstrate a variety of exercises at various levels of difficulty to cater for a broad range of practitioners. As per usual in my videos, there is also an element of stupidity. The production process seems to get more & more complex from one video to the next, and this one incorporates some special effects for the first time, including chroma key and rotoscoping. Anyway, take a look:
For an insight into the filming of the fake jump, this video may also be of interest:
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday, September 01, 2008
Weekend In Lisses 2008
A couple of weeks ago, we were lucky enough to visit Lisses again, this time courtesy of K Swiss. With everything paid for, and some free trainers, who were we to say no? We didn't get to meet David Belle this year, or even the fake Yann for that matter. We did however, get to train with many great traceurs from the UK and much further afield (ie Sydney). The video is hosted in two parts on youtube:
The usual low quality youtube versions are embedded below, but I recommend watching these higher quality versions:
Part 1
Part 2
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Updating this blog

If you read my blog from time to time, you'll no doubt have noticed how infrequently I update it. This has been largely due to the fact that I've been busy with training, which I suppose is a good thing really. I intend to start updating this blog more regularly to keep you informed with recent activities. A couple of weeks ago, 6 other traceurs and myself took part in a sponsored crawl for sport relief. We set ourselves the target of crawling one mile, with the rule that if we wanted to rest, we had to remain in a squatting position. Thanks to a few training sessions of preparation for this event, we successfully completed the mile without too much trouble, and managed to raise a reasonable amount of money for Sport Relief. If you would like to contribute towards this, it's not too late to do so. You can sponsor us online at:
By the way, if you haven't already seen our recent Manchester video and you've got a spare 10 minutes, have a look:
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
TRace Gathering video finally finished
Somewhat later than planned, the video featuring some of the footage I shot at the Trace Gathering 2007 is finally finished. Over new year I had some spare time, so decided to spend it finishing the edit which I actually started before going to Lisses back in August. If you've seen the official Trace video, you might recognise some of the footage seen in my video as Jason used some of it in his edit (which was excellent by the way!). Anyway, here's some of the highlights from my perspective.